Community Colleges

Curriculum Assessment

We support community colleges by systematically conducting needs assessments, which enable the development of curricula that anticipate the needs of the labor market.  Our team brings over 40 years of experience in academia and industry, providing a qualified view of both worlds.

Certification Assistance

AmHighEd supports community colleges in achieving and maintaining pertinent certifications and conforming to the requirements of the certification bodies.  We enable the identification of the operational processes and the setting of performance measures which are crucial to this task.  AmHighEd brings years of training and experience in certification audits and quality awards, serving as appraisers for the Higher Learning Commission, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Malcolm Baldrige Quality Awards, and European Federation of Quality Association (EFQM).

Effective Course Design

We support faculty in designing course materials and keeping abreast of the most recent delivery technologies, providing guidance on the most effective instructional technology.  Our certified Course Design professionals provide the knowledge and experience which will improve the quality of the courses offered at the college.

Optimize Processes

AmHighEd enables a culture of process-based management through the careful design and assessment of processes and the introduction of cost-reducing and revenue-increasing approaches.  We have decades of experience with industry and academic processes and performance measures.